The development of Pressure Ulcer ( PU) is related to a great number of risk factors and the permanent pressure, friction, shear and moisture are the main external risk factors that cause PU. 压力性溃疡(PU)的发生与众多危险因素有关,持续压力、剪切力、磨擦力及潮湿四大外因是在其发病中起主要作用,而持续压力的存在是导致PU的关键因素。
Causes and nursing strategy on pressure ulcer of non-bony eminence sites in the intensive care unit 重症监护病房非骨隆突部位压疮原因分析和护理对策
Application of the risk assessment scale for acute pressure ulcer on patients undergoing open heart surgery 急性压疮危险因素评估量表在心脏直视手术患者中的应用
The practice and effect of informed principle in the risk management of pressure ulcer 压疮风险管理中履行护理告知的做法与效果
The application of goal-attaining theory in the management of pressure ulcer 达标理论在褥疮护理管理中的应用
BACKGROUND& AIMS: To estimate the economic consequences of pressure ulcer attributable to malnutrition. 背景与目的:评估营养不良所致褥疮引起的经济影响。
Nursing Care of Stage ⅳ Pressure Ulcer Treated by Waves Bed Combined with Vacuum-assisted Closure Drainage 波浪床联合封闭式负压引流术治疗Ⅳ期压疮的护理
CONCLUSION: The cost of pressure ulcer attributable to malnutrition in bed days and dollar terms are substantial. 结论:住院期间营养不良所致褥疮引起的费用值得引起重视。
Assess pressure ulcer and surrounding skin to determine ulcer stage. 评估压疮及周围皮肤,确定压疮分期。
Application of course management theory in three-level pressure ulcer monitoring 过程管理理论在压疮护理三级监控中的应用
Each of them has advantages and disadvantages, but all of them have different uses for preventing pressure ulcer. 它们各自有优缺点,起到了良好的预防褥疮的作用。
Investigation and Analysis on the Risk Factors of Pressure Ulcer in Elderly Patients 老年住院患者压疮危险因素的调查与分析
Objective: to observe the effect of wound fluids in growth of fibroblast in vitro and further investigates the method and mechanism to accelerate the healing of pressure ulcer. 观察创面渗液对体外成纤维细胞生长的影响,探讨促进压力性溃疡愈合的方法及其机制。
Results: The scores of pressure ulcer prophylaxis knowledge was lower, the limit knowledge come from schoolbooks. 结果:临床护士的压疮预防知识得分较低,有限的知识主要来自教科书。
Implementation of Pressure Ulcer Prevalence Survey for Continuously Maintaining Effective Control of Pressure Ulcer 实施压疮患病率调查持续改进压疮管理
Results: Nursing ability and consciousness to prevent pressure ulcer was improved. 结果:提高了预防压疮的护理能力和意识,降低了压疮的发生率。
Effect of two types of intermittent pressure on formation of pressure ulcer in rabbit hind limbs 两种间歇性压力对兔后肢压力性溃疡形成的影响
Comparison of the Predictive Effectiveness of Three Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Scales among Emergency Patients 三种压疮危险评估量表对急诊病人压疮预测能力的比较研究
The comparative study of pressure ulcer's treatment between dry healing theory and wet healing theory 干性愈合与湿性愈合理论治疗压疮的比较研究
Study of the pressure ulcer debridement methods on patients with neurological disorders 神经内科患者压疮不同清创方法的效果
Nursing progress of preventing pressure ulcer in patients undergoing liver transplantation 预防肝移植手术患者压疮的护理进展
Changes of serum SOD, NO and MDA content of rats with pressure ulcer at different time points of ischemic reperfusion 压疮大鼠缺血再灌注不同时间点血清中SOD、NO、MDA含量变化
Study on biphase-enclosed treatment method for severe skin pressure ulcer 双相封闭疗法对重度皮肤压疮的治疗作用
Objective: To explore the effect of level to level administration in the pressure ulcer management. 前言:目的:探讨分级管理模式对压疮监控效果的影响。
The application of foretell assessment sheet in the prevention and monitoring of pressure ulcer; 目的探讨实用新型软垫的制作及在预防压疮中的应用。
Effects of Different Wound Cleansing Methods on Pressure Ulcer and Analysis of Influencing Factors 压疮的不同清创方法清创效果及其影响因素分析
This study reveals that chronic health care providers have insufficient knowledge in the management of pressure ulcer, whereas they have not received enough training they need to be competent. 研究结果显示压疮相关知识能力在长期照顾体系成员仍显不足,建议应加强职前与在职压疮相关知识教育与能力训练。
Objective To improve nurses ability of risk assessment for pressure ulcer and reduce the rate of pressure ulcer. 目的提高对压疮危险因素的评估能力,最大限度降低压疮发生率。
Wavelet analysis of laser Doppler perfusion signal in risk area for pressure ulcer 压疮易患组织的激光多普勒血流信号小波分析
[ Background] Pressure ulcer is a worldwide health problem, most common in elderly and fragil bedridden patient. 【背景】压疮是全球常见的健康问题,多发于年老虚弱或长期卧床的患者。